We drive growth

Too often companies are stuck in focussing on their daily activities.
Discover how FarmaClick make sure you'll overcome the challenges of expanding your operations locally and abroad.

We'll do it for you!

opportunities into business

Seeking growth beyond the existing business:

Expand your territory for your product portfolio.

Introduce suitable products to enhance your range.


Provide strategic advice & drive implementation.


Our story

With more than 50 years of combined expertise as OTC industry CEO’s and managers, we understand and experienced the challenges hindering national & international expansion.  


We have also too often been presented new products to commercialize without a sound economic business case. So even potentially interesting product opportunities didn’t find their way to the market. And last but not least all those initiatives were full of risks and uncertainties: it would cost time, money and energy without any guarantees. 


We’re convinced companies could use FarmaClick to drive business growth through:  

  1. Rigorous fact-based analysis of a product (range) that offers opportunities for national & international expansion 
  2. Crafting an executive business case with a concrete 3 year business plan
  3. Identifying suitable partners  
  4. Negotiating agreements

Let FarmaClick deliver result-driven performance, backed by decades of proven industry experience.  

Our approach

Step 1: Screening
Based on the understanding of your strategy, we will explore business opportunities and align on the objectives.
Step 2: Crafting the executive business case
Based on in depth analyses, we craft a 3 year executive business plan, including the realistic potential and return on investment.
Step 3: Forging business partnerships
Subsequent the due diligence of appropriate business partners, FarmaClick fully manages the negotiation and finalisation of the Agreement.
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About us

Hernando Acosta

  • 15 years in FMCG + 17 years in OTC Farma
  • RVP Cooper-Vemedia Consumer Healthcare (2008-2020)
  • CCO Qualiphar – Gifrer (2021-2023)
  • Founder and Board Member BACHI (2008-2020)

Vincent Jadoul

  • 19 years experience in OTC Farma @ Qualiphar – Gifrer
  • Setting up the Export Department (2005)
  • Setting up & managing a foreign branch in the UAE (2007 – 2017)
  • Director Business Unit Export (2019 – 2024)
  • Leadership Team Member (2019 -2024)

Marc Verlinden

  • 32 years experience in OTC Farma
  • Co-owner Qualiphar – Gifrer (1994-2023)
  • Founder and President BACHI (2008-2023)
  • President Europharm SMC (2015-2018)

We drive growth

© FarmaClick 2024